Friday, July 22, 2005

Insights into the Obvious

Grandparents give love unconditionally, and are resourceful family members.

Extended families can be warm, even when they are large.

Vacations allow for a unique form of recreation: exploring other places and people.

Nature is beautiful.

Adults in Havertown are usually nice, community-oriented, and optimistic.

Seasons offer a sense of closure and renewal.

My father is musical, creative, and very intelligent.

My mother is a very good teacher, and a compassionate person.

People in Lebanon can be emotionally distant, but otherwise are socially strong and pragmatic about life.

Moving from region to region makes it difficult to have friends.

Learning is hard when there is no inspiration for doing so.

Learning is easy when inspired.

Curiosity opens the door to possibilities.

Hard work is essential for success in anything, but a guiding plan must also be in place.

Feasibility is only as limiting as your support mechanisms will allow.

Positive thinking is only an initial requirement for undertaking a course of action, not a solution unto itself.

Loss is as inevitable as gain.

Balance is a worthy goal.

Ordered systems approach entropy.

Strength of will can alter the outcome of events.

Initially nice, some people can become arrogant and self-absorbed.

Evil is not innate; it is learned from bad influences.

Pets can offer joy.

Multi-unit dwellings are more appropriate for singles than for couples, or families.

Introspection can create problems that have the potential to become real.

Those who indulge really do bulge.

It is very hard to lose weight.

Enjoying a vice requires a balance of short-term pleasures and long-term needs.

Fostering good friendships are more meaningful than affiliating with groups.

The world is full of trickery.

Experiencing other cultures is fascinating.

Criticism may hurt, but eventually it does help (even when it is wrong).

Opinions will often differ.

No one can please everyone.

Believing in God is essential to life.

Faith is not of one kind.

The golden rule is the best guideline for life.

Money is nothing more than a set of units for allocation.

Happiness is a decision to be of good cheer.

Socio-economic status is a frustrating concept no matter how you measure it.

Music stirs the spirit, and frees the imagination.

Art imitates life.

Death will eventually claim us all.

Living life well depends on a willingness to accept what you cannot change, and to influence what you can.
“Being human,” means that we can grow strong from our weaknesses; and, conversely, we can grow weak from our strengths.

Greed is ugly.

Entitlement is a utopian concept.

People who complain are annoying.


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